Video technologies 2017

There is a lot of talk about how video will perform in 2017 and in the coming years. Video has taken enormous strides in the last few years, with dozens of impressive statistics that prove its massive influence on content across virtually every platform. Data shows that including video on a landing page increases conversion rates by about 80%. A whopping 90% of users say that product videos help the decision-making process. These are just two examples of the incredible success of video content for marketing. As companies begin a brand new year, it’s important that they keep up with how video is shaping the future.

Live Video Will Become King

If there’s one word that defines the Digital Era, it’s now. Today’s largest sector of Internet users grew up around digital media. They are tech savvy and expect brands to be on the same page. They do not want to wait for content to load. They want instant gratification. Live video has become a major platform to feed into this desire for new, immediate content from companies. User-friendly live video platforms such as Facebook Live, Periscope, Streamup, and now Instagram Live give companies an easy way to capitalize on the “now” trend, streaming live broadcasts of events, contests, product reveals, and how-to videos.

In 2017, live video will take on a life of its own, dominating social platforms. Live video is on the verge of exploding, with real-time content reaching and engaging with audiences better than traditional pre-recorded video. Users respond to live video for its sense of excitement, unscripted and unedited nature, and lack of control. Live video is real and shows the brand’s authentic self. Modern consumers want to see a brand’s true self and personality. Brands will need to jump onboard with live video broadcasts to stay relevant and relatable in 2017.

New Video Technologies Abound

The video trend isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Smart technology companies are capitalizing on this fact by creating new and improved video recording devices. Snap Inc.’s Spectacles are one example – an inventive device that lets users use a pair of sunglasses to record and live stream videos straight to Snapchat. Audio/visual (AV) companies are coming out with new video conferencing tools and optimized digital signage platforms to improve communication in businesses. In August of 2016, Facebook improved the technology of 360-degree cameras, making the video more stable and watchable using electronic image stabilization. All of these innovations indicate an ongoing trend to make video bolder, brighter, and better.

AR and VR Will Reach New Heights

2016 was the year that introduced augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to the everyday consumer. Pokémon GO’s legendary success opened the doors to putting AR in the hands of the everyman, and from there, these technologies really hit their stride. AR and VR will dominate 2017 as technological advances continue to make these platforms more efficient, wearable, and affordable. Devices such as the Oculus Rift, Playstation VR, and HTC Vive will continue to expand, coming up with clever implementations to bring VR to consumers.

Google’s Tango technology is one big example of how major companies are transforming AR and VR in 2017. New smart phones such as the Asus ZenFone AR are already incorporating Google Tango technologies, which allow the user to overlay VR images on top of real life using their mobile devices. AR and VR will help businesses and consumers, creating a new tool for engineering, wayfinding, gaming, and much more. The possibilities for VR and AR are as endless as the imagination. In 2017, companies will integrate this popular technology into more daily applications.

New Video Marketing Techniques Will Debut

If 2017 is really the year of video marketing, brands will have to be savvy about their content techniques. Using video can improve conversion and click-through rates, but poor use of video can actually hurt a company. Companies will have to allocate more money in the budget toward video marketing, including investing in new hardware and software if necessary. The investment will be well rewarded as consumers come to expect this extra effort from brands. Failing to improve video content can be the death of a brand in the new year.

As the field of video content becomes more competitive, brands will come up with new ways to incorporate video on websites and in advertisements. For example, we can expect to see more companies making use of live video on Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. Small local businesses will vamp up video marketing techniques, taking to YouTube and other channels to post meaningful, relevant content. Video has something to offer every company. Keep your eye out for new ways to use this medium in marketing.

The question isn’t whether video will impact 2017, but how it will do so. Video hit its stride in 2016 but will really come into its own this year. Stay on top of evolving video trends or get left in the digital dust.

Author: Joshua Titsworth

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