Category Archives: Blog

Is Advertising on Twitter (X) Still Worth It in 2024

Despite the many recent changes, Twitter (now rebranded as “X”) is still one of the main places people go for trending conversations. Given this fact, it doesn’t take a marketing genius to realize that X is still a fertile environment to meet new customers—despite how newer, more short-form focused platforms seem to be getting all of the […]

10 Best AI Video Generators in 2024

In a world where the latest information changes at the speed of thought, how can businesses not just keep up, but lead the charge? The answer lies in finding the best AI video generator—a versatile tool that doesn’t just streamline video production but scales it. Imagine creating always-current training and internal communications videos in just […]

How to Make Effective Training Videos

Are your employees nodding off during training sessions? Are you wondering how to create content that truly educates and motivates? Good news—you’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re trying to upskill current employees quickly, improve the value of your compliance and security training, or even increase customer engagement, creating effective training videos can help you achieve […]

How to Use YouTube Shorts to Create Powerful Marketing Videos

Short-form video continues to grow in popularity with platforms like TikTok taking the world by storm. The increase in technology and constant stimulation of social media means people’s attention spans have decreased, resulting in today’s consumers being more likely to engage with content that gets its message across quickly. As the most popular video hosting […]

What Is VOD: All You Need to Know About Video on Demand

Whether it’s entertainment, education, or business, online videos are reshaping the way users spend time online. And much of this boom is the result of the convenience of VOD, i.e., video on demand. But what is VOD bringing to the table to gain such momentum in the digital sphere? From engagement boosting to generating revenue, […]

Create Shoppable Video Content that Actually Converts

Roughly 88% of marketers claim that video content supplements their sales channels. Our question is simple: Why aren’t more advertisers talking about videos being a sales channel themselves? Think about it. You feature a product in a clip and let shoppers buy it right then and there. It sounds so basic that you wonder why no one […]

Winning Video Marketing Ideas and Trends to Grow your Brand in 2024

Over the last ten years, video marketing has emerged as a distinct marketing channel within the marketing industry and is now an essential part of advertising and marketing campaigns. Another important variable in this rise is consumer behavior. Internet consumers now find it easier and more accessible to use video due to the rapid advancements […]

Video in Email: How to Maximize its Impact

If your brand wants a generous return on investment (ROI), there are few better methods than video. A thoughtfully-crafted video strategically placed in branded media, be it your company website, Twitter, or even an email, can have a significant impact on your bottom line. Before we get into how best to use video in email, let’s first recall a […]

How to compress videos to improve your page speed

Imagine your eCommerce site as a fashionable backpack. Now, picture the videos on your pages as five-pound rocks. How many can you fit in your backpack? 10? 15? A 100? Can you even lift it at this point? That’s what you’re doing to your website every time you add a 30-second product clip or testimonial. Your pages […]

10 Ways to Repurpose Video Content to Support Other Marketing Efforts

Most savvy businesses now know that video increases audience engagement, generates leads, and, ultimately, drives revenue. These benefits have become clearer over the years, with many companies that used to be skeptical of video’s impact committing to video marketing strategies for 2024 and beyond. As these late adopters join the video scene, we wanted to […]