Category Archives: Blog

Leveraging Video For Effective Sales Enablement

The goal of any sales enablement program is to increase each sales rep’s overall sales and performance. Video content is a great tool to communicate proper performance behaviors and provide support to your sales team. By combining speech and visuals to train your staff, your sales team can access the content they need to prepare […]

How To Use Video For Social Media Marketing

Videos has become massively popular on the internet over the past few years, especially in advertising and marketing, and it is proving to be extremely useful for social media marketing too. Websites like YouTube and Vevo has played a massive influence in the rise of video online and with most social media websites being free, […]

How to Use Youtube Analytics to Optimize Youtube Video Marketing

YouTube has been upping its game in terms of analytics over the past few months. Currently, the online video platform offers some useful analytics feedback that can make optimizing your YouTube presence – as well as your other marketing efforts – even easier. YouTube’s analytic reports are all about actionable insights. The data they give […]

How to Optimize YouTube Videos for Google Search and Improve Leads

Inbound marketing largely revolves around connecting the right persona with the right content from the get-go. Video content is an excellent way for brands to initiate these connections and build awareness, however, visibility on Google is an integral part of the equation. The right videos can improve the overall user experience. Upload all videos from […]

Tumblr May Be More Important for Video Marketing than You Realize

When Adobe released their Q4 2013 Video Benchmark report there was one golden nugget of information that went largely unnoticed. Social network Tumblr is responsible for referring more average video starts than YouTube, Twitter and Reddit. Additionally, Tumblr is producing nearly identical video view rates as Facebook, with over 1/3rd of referred visits producing a […]

How Long Should Your YouTube Videos Be?

The growing concern of audience attention spans has led to the emergence of snackable content; bite-sized information viewers can easily and quickly retain. With this in mind as content marketers, we must ask ourselves if we are pushing our luck with the length of our content, especially when it comes to video. Video is a […]

Video Marketing: Let “Motion Pictures” Speak For Your Business

As we move into 2014, one thing is definite – video is the future of content marketing! Hence, it is imperative for marketers and business owners to get a grip on what this means for the success of their business and content strategy. The 2013 stats show that some business owners are already using video […]

6 Best Practices to Get Your Videos Indexed on Search Engines

Online videos have become a very important tool for sharing information. When you consider that YouTube is the second-largest search engine (Google being the first), you realize the incredible reach your brand can have through social networking sites by using video. Videos are also an effective marketing tool. Videos can help your blog or business […]

How to Rank YouTube Videos

How you would like to become the go-to expert in your field in two weeks or less? Sounds unreasonable. But the reality is, with the current state of SEO it’s actually very possible. You just need to know how to rank YouTube Videos. It’s a part of what I call the “Domain Dominance Strategy.” The […]