Category Archives: Blog

What Are The Most Effective Formats for YouTube Advertising?

In this week’s Creator’s Tip, we look at the different types of videos you should use for different video advertising on YouTube. There are different ad groups, each with their own features so it makes sense to tailor your video content to each one. This week, we are joined by Ryan Noel of Clean Cut […]

9 Video Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

Creating strong video content for your business is a powerful way to reach a variety of markets and engage your audience. However, when businesses have poorly produced videos they often end up doing more harm than good. Your video is a reflection of your brand so to help ensure that you get off on the […]

Forget Video Marketing, It’s All About Social Media Marketing

According to the latest Compete PRO data, social media giant had 167,345,887 unique visitors in July 2014, putting the site just slightly ahead of, which had 166,427,373 unique visitors that month. This means that Facebook is – once again – the largest social media site in the U.S. But the horse race is […]

5 Things I Wish I Knew When I First Started Video Production

As a content creator, an ongoing goal of mine is to experiment with different content formats to improve content marketing efforts. A big facet of this goal is the foray into video production. When you do it right, video is a great medium to use to entice viewers, get valuable content across in a visual […]

Creating an Authentic Voice in Video Production for Your Business

  Daniel A. Cardenas, the founder and head creative of Sierra Media, has had years of experience creating innovative, engaging, and effective videos with a variety of businesses. Some of his clients are enterprise companies that require video collateral for a new product launch, while others are smaller to mid sized start-up’s that need some […]

Video ROI: 3 Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Your Video Investment

I think it’s awesome that more and more organizations around the world are starting to see the benefits of video marketing. However, what I find slightly alarming is how some organizations treat video as an expense, something on their income statement that should be reduced whenever possible, rather than an investment in their brand. While […]

3 Questions About Logos and Branding

Giving your business a brand identity is critical. The logo you choose is one of the most visible and important components of the entire brand. The logo often serves as the consumer’s first impression of the product and company. With that understood, you should make sure that the logo properly represents your business, and also […]

Three Ways to Optimize Your Videos for Mobile

To get the most out of your video marketing, you need to develop a far-reaching distribution strategy. You need to discover where your target audience is and hang out in the spaces where they get their resources and information. That said, because so many in your target audience browse the web on mobile devices throughout […]

The Top 32 Video Submission Sites

Most marketers’ video promotion strategy goes something like this: Step 1: Submit to YouTube. Step 2: There is no step 2. As you can probably guess, I think there’s a lot more to it then that. But today, I’m not going to be covering the more nuanced aspects of video marketing. Instead, I’m going to […]